
It has been proven to be one of the best methods for curing several diseases without causing side effects. Natural medicine has its origin in the ancient times and it was considered as main medicine. As time went by, natural medicine became practically obsolete and it has been substituted by chemical medicaments. These chemical medicaments have rooted deeply in society, since all of them, apparently, immediately cure pains and diseases. However, these chemical medicaments have caused more damage than the illnesses they have cured. It is a common fact that, in general terms, the chemical medicaments are based on natural medicine and most of their active components come from plants. Likewise, even though they seem to cure the diseases, they create toxins in the body which after some time, provoke more severe illnesses.

Following, I present you some branches of natural medicine:


Acupressure is a Chinese traditional natural medicine based in the concept of acupuncture and which entails applying physical pressure with the hand, the elbow or with the help of other devices in different points of the body.


Acupuncture is a technique of the Chinese traditional natural medicine which involves the implantation and use of needles in the body with the purpose of restoring the health and well-being in the patient.


This is one of the ancient systems of treatment of diseases, whose origin is in India. The Ayurveda medicaments entail the use of extracts and natural herbs for the treatment of several diseases.


Homeopathy has its origin in the XVIII Century and it was created by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. This medicament consists in the use of alcohol and several elements (such as zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.).


It is a non-contrasted diagnosis method, used by the alternative medicine, whose origins, supposedly, date back to the ancient Egypt, being used by Hippocrates and his followers in the IV Century before Christ. It allows to know the physical, emotional and mental health condition of the person, as well as his/her medical history and future tendencies, through the iris of the eye.


This medicine system has its origin in Persia (current Iran). It uses honey and other natural ingredients for treating several diseases.


This therapy uses the liquid materials of the plants (essential oils). Aromas generated from the natural oils are used for curing several diseases.

Magnetic Therapy:

This system uses magnetism for treating the bad functioning of several parts of the body.


It is also one of the most ancient systems which entails the movement of the body in several postures, and meditation; therefore, it fights several incurable diseases of the body and the mind.


It has its origin in Japan and it is a practice considered complementary and alternative medicine which intends to achieve the healing or equilibrium of the sick person by the healer resting his/her hands on the patient.